Exterior Weather Coating

Water Repellency

You will recognise the excellent water repellent property by its beading behaviour. It will make the masonry dry and extremely resistant to biological hazards, mould, mildew and reduce the growth of microbial spores.


The masonry is able to breathe and permeable to water vapour and it lets air and moisture pass through from one side to the other. A breathing masonry will improve the thermal conductivity and insulation properties. Just a 5% content of damp in cavity wall insulation or other building materials can lower the thermal resistance by up to 50%.

Self Cleaning Efficiency

Dirt particles are unable to obtain a hold on the coated facade and it simply flow off the rain droplets. The facade remains clean and attractive. Even on sides which are particularly exposed to weather like on north-facing or facades in shade, as well as in areas with high air humidity and in areas with sea salt penetrated air.

Durability & Colour Stability

Your coated masonry will be protected against destructive impact of sun, wind and other weather conditions (acid rains, salt spray, smog etc). It will be weather protected and colour stable for many years.


Suite 1, Challenge Enterprise Centre, Sharps Close, Portsmouth PO3 5RJ


0800 292 7795


0239 266 2600


07404 280 665

© Approved
All Images Are For Illustrative Purpose Only